Visitor Access
PARENTS/GUARDIANS, VISITORS, AND VOLUNTEERS: To enter The Webster School for ANY reason you must fill out the on-line “School Access Form” and be approved by the St. Johns School District & St. Johns Sherriff’s Dept. This process can take up to 4 weeks, so do not wait! If you need computer access to complete this process please contact the school and set-up an appointment.
Home Access Center

The St. Johns County School District (SJCSD) offers parents a tool to monitor their child’s academic progress. The Home Access Center (HAC) is a web-based application that is part of the Student Information system, eSchoolPlus. The HAC portal is now available to registered parents and/or guardians.
Office 365
All students have access to Microsoft Office 365, provided by St. Johns County School District. Students are able to use software including Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point from any computer, even at home. Office 365 also includes”Cloud Storage.” Students can now save their work from any device at school, and it will be available anywhere with internet access. More information, including logins and passwords, will be provided to students when they attend their Technology Resource Class.
Please click the link to access Office 365. (Internet Explorer is Required. Firefox or Chrome will not work properly.)
After School Just got A LOT more FUN!
Did You Know that the YMCA is coming to Webster?
Want more information? Click the links below for the YMCA Program, Registration Packet and even Hiring Information.
20-21 BAS Registration Packet w EFT_ SJCYD
Investing in Kids (INK)
St. Johns County Education Foundation re-branded itself as Investing in Kids (INK), which is the direct support organization for the St. Johns County School District. As a 501 (c)(3) a non-profit, INK leads efforts to directly benefit the educators and students within the school district. Their programs and events strive to provide the tools and resources that are necessary to help each child reach their full potential.
Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System (FDLRS) Child Find
FDLRS Child Find provides assistance in the location, identification, evaluation and initiation of appropriate education or other needed services to all children and youth, birth to 21.
Get information about FDLRS Child Find.
Any questions, please contact Marcia McNabb 904-547-3864
If you are a person with a disability who needs assistance and planning to attend a school meeting or program, please contact The Webster School with your specific need at 904-547-3860.